How to Fix ‘Your Connection is Not Private Error’ in WordPress?

By Wpclerks


Ensure a secure connection for your website to prevent the frustrating "Your Connection is Not Private" error in WordPress; this guide provides easy solutions.

Troubleshooting "Your Connection is Not Private" Issues

When you encounter a "Your connection is not private" warning, it means your browser cannot establish a secure connection to the website. This often happens because of SSL certificate issues.


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Why Does This Error Occur?

This error occurs because your browser cannot establish a secure connection due to issues like expired SSL certificates, incorrect system date and time, or interference from antivirus software.


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Fix ‘Your Connection is Not Private Error’ in WordPress

Fix this error in WordPress by renewing your SSL certificate, ensuring your site URL is HTTPS, updating plugins, and clearing your browser cache. Also, verify your hosting settings and date/time configuration.


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